A place where nature meets art and mushrooms become an inspiration to create unique, designer T-shirts. Our designs are more than just ordinary clothes – they are a manifestation of love for nature, originality and unique style.
Fashion is like nature, knows no boundaries
Each pattern at Grzyb Art is created out of passion for mushrooms, which have been fascinating for centuries with their shape, color and mystery. We collected these forest wonders and transferred them to the highest quality fabrics, creating T-shirts that stand out from mass fashion. Our products are a tribute to the magic of the forest – from classic toadstools, through golden chanterelles, to exotic mushrooms with unusual forms.
At Grzyb Art, we believe that fashion can be both an artistic expression and a tribute to nature. Our T-shirts combine original design with comfort and quality, making them perfect for any occasion – from walks in the forest, to meetings with friends or creative, urban styling.
Join the mushroom revolution and discover how nature can become your daily source of inspiration. Bring the magic of the forest to your wardrobe with Grzyb Art!

Boczniak Ostrygowaty (Pleurotus ostreatus) – wegańska nadzieja
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Grzybobranie a ekologia. Zbierajmy grzyby, nie szkodząc naturze
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